Ricketts Kids hold second reunion. Back row; Gary Price, Larry Petersen, Linda Halverson, Herman Jepsen, Francis Krohnke, Dick Schneider, Rick Moeller, Wayne Bliesman, Cyrenius Knief, Nancy Landon, Jerry Jors, Darrell Neitzke, Ron Kleunder. Third row; Allan Neddermeyer, Dennis Jepsen, Ina Mae Bliesman, Crystal Marshall, Drene Briggle, Wayne Kuhlmann, Connie McGee, Jeannetta Knief, Judy Neitzke, Irene Jors, Judy Kleunder, Elaine Carlson, Ruth Baker, Francis Baker. Second row; Linda Price, Leona Hollrah, LuWonne Kuhlmann, Laura Langholdt, Dewey Lee, Connie Lee, Margorie Neddermeyer, Durene Krohnke. Front row; Kevin Clausen, Paul Briggle, Danny Schneider, Michelle Phillips, Donna Osterlund, Lloyd Carlson, Susan Sievers, Myron Sievers. Missing from photo; Gary Schultz, Allen “Bud” Gloede, Connie Bridgeman, David Claussen and Stephen Claussen. NEWSphotos by Ted Mallory

If you weren't here Saturday night, July 21- then you missed a lot of fun. Watch this space for more details and more pictures coming next week.
PS- if you WERE there and have your own stories, comments and pictures to share- please, please email them to our web-meister- thank you
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