GENERAL JAMES B. RICKETTS was wounded in the battle of Cedar Creek, is a native of New York, from which State he was appointed a cadet to West Point in 1835. He graduated in 1839, with the grade of Second Lieutenant of Artillery. In 1846 he was promoted to a First Lieutenancy, and in August, 1852, was appointed Captain, having since 1849 occupied the position of Regimental Quarter-master.
General RICKETTS was wounded in the first battle of Bull Run and taken prisoner. For distinguished service in that battle he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General.
General James doesn't really have anything to do with Ricketts, Iowa- but the rest of this website does! If you grew up in Ricketts, be sure to plan on coming to our annual reunion, the third Saturday in July. If you have memories or pictures of Ricketts to share, email them to our webmaster: ted.mallory -at- gmail.com
If you have other funny, kitsch, or corny "Not the same Ricketts" ideas, send them too. Help put Ricketts on the map!
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