Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Ricketts Item

I don't know if these means anything to anybody. I just happen to be working in the Mapleton PRESS office and someone had a big volume of Schleswig Leaders out (Volume 26 to be precise) and I happen to spot this on the front page of the second to the top issue- circa January 13, 1927.
Generally obituaries don't go on the front page any more.

For those of you interested in the lineage of area newspapers; The Lyon family owned the Schleswig Leader, eventually the business grew and they bought the Mapleton PRESS and moved their operation to Mapleton. Later on they bought the Ute Independent and the Charter Oak Times. Later on they merged the the Times and Independent into the Charter Oak-Ute NEWSpaper, which today is produced along with the Leader in Mapleton. A couple of years ago, Mike and Barb Lyon retired and sold the operation to Enterprise Newspapers, headquartered in Blair Nebraska. Enterprise also produced the Missouri Valley Times, and two Nebraska papers, the Dakota County Star (out of South Sioux City) and the Seward Independent (home town paper for a great College, Concordia University, Nebraska. Mike passed away of cancer not long after they'd sold the papers.

Like farming, publishing is harder and harder for single families to afford to do, but at least Enterprise is a lot smaller and more community focused than say the Denison Bulliten/Review which, while an excellent publication, is basically owned and run by the Omaha World Herald's network of corporations.

Anyway, maybe you're a Dethlefs, a Fuller, Jepsen or Marquardt- or perhaps you're a Seils and you will find one of these news clippings interesting. If you're from around Ricketts and have some history, an old newspaper clipping or a story or picture to share, please send them to me and I'll be happy to post them. Meanwhile, remember to mark your calendars for the annual Ricketts Kids Reunion the fourth weekend in July, 2008!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Ricketts in your rear-view mirror?

Alas, another reunion has come and gone. But that doesn't mean you have to leave Ricketts behind! These pictures, by the way, are of the 2007 reunion as seen past Lloyd Carlson's blue Ford pickup that used to be his dad's.

Come on back, now. Remember, next year, the reunion will be on the fourth Saturday in July (July 28, 2008) and will start a little earlier, at 3 pm with dinner at 5 pm. More information on the reunion is always available right here on the official Ricketts Reunion website http://rickettsiowa.blogspot.com, or by contacting one of the organizers; Drene Gloede, Nancy Landon, Marge Neddermeyer and Judy Neitzke. Email our Webmeister, Ted if you need Marge's phone # or email.

And as always, please send Ted your pictures and stories!

‘Kids’ come back to Ricketts

The second annual “Ricketts Kids’ Reunion” enjoyed a great turn out. Reunion organizers Durene Krohnke, Nancy Landon, Marge Neddermeyer and Judy Neitzke were pleased to see so many of their friends and former neighbors come out for a night of reminiscing. The Ricketts kids enjoyed a potluck picnic starting around six and stayed up visiting until the wee hours of the morning.

Most of the “Ricketts Kids” grew up in the Ricketts area, many attended the Ricketts school, others went to country schools. A few even still live in Ricketts. What they had in common were Wednesday and Saturday nights- “Town nights,” when farmers brought in their eggs and cream.

“Back then we made our own fun” said Lloyd Carlson, and that sentiment was also the theme of the reunion.

In anticipation of the reunion, the Ricketts shelter house received a bit of a face lift with numerous repairs, clean-up, a paint job and donated appliances for the kitchen. Much of the work was headed up by Nancy Claussen.

“Everybody had a great time renewing friendships and laughing,” said Marge Neddermeyer, “One of the things that we did was that everybody shared a favorite memory from their Ricketts Days.”

Next year, the reunion will be on the fourth Saturday in July (July 28) and will start a little earlier, at 3 pm with dinner at 5 pm. More information on the reunion is always available at the official Ricketts Reunion website http://rickettsiowa.blogspot.com, or by contacting one of the organizers.
Wanna see your picture on the Charter Oak-Ute NEWSpaper? Get a copy of the Thursday, July 26, 2007 edition. Call the Mapleton PRESS office at 712-881-1101 or email mpress@longlines.com subscriptions are just $22/year for local, $26 in Iowa outside of Monona, Crawford or Ida Counties, and $29 outside of Iowa! What a way to make sure you can keep up in Ricketts area news and read Ted's column and cartoons too!

Middle of Nowhere

Ricketts has “Middle of nowhere” tee-shirts for sale, $10 for adult sizes and $8 for kids sizes. Anyone interested should contact either Connie McGee or Lloyd Carlson. Email me if you need Connie's email address or phone #

Saturday, July 21, 2007

2007 Ricketts Kids Reunion

Ricketts Kids hold second reunion. Back row; Gary Price, Larry Petersen, Linda Halverson, Herman Jepsen, Francis Krohnke, Dick Schneider, Rick Moeller, Wayne Bliesman, Cyrenius Knief, Nancy Landon, Jerry Jors, Darrell Neitzke, Ron Kleunder. Third row; Allan Neddermeyer, Dennis Jepsen, Ina Mae Bliesman, Crystal Marshall, Drene Briggle, Wayne Kuhlmann, Connie McGee, Jeannetta Knief, Judy Neitzke, Irene Jors, Judy Kleunder, Elaine Carlson, Ruth Baker, Francis Baker. Second row; Linda Price, Leona Hollrah, LuWonne Kuhlmann, Laura Langholdt, Dewey Lee, Connie Lee, Margorie Neddermeyer, Durene Krohnke. Front row; Kevin Clausen, Paul Briggle, Danny Schneider, Michelle Phillips, Donna Osterlund, Lloyd Carlson, Susan Sievers, Myron Sievers. Missing from photo; Gary Schultz, Allen “Bud” Gloede, Connie Bridgeman, David Claussen and Stephen Claussen. NEWSphotos by Ted Mallory
If you weren't here Saturday night, July 21- then you missed a lot of fun. Watch this space for more details and more pictures coming next week.

PS- if you WERE there and have your own stories, comments and pictures to share- please, please email them to our web-meister- thank you