Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Oh for a good old fashioned threshing bee

Here lies Carl Schnoor's turn of the century thresher. It resides across the lane from Carl and Rosa Schwarz's old farmplace Southeast of Ricketts. The house is being razed this week, victom of one too many lightning strikes, but the threshing machine is still standing.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Happy Hour in Ricketts; April 1957

Irvin Bartles and Julius Christiansen (tipping hat) get their drinks from Albert Langholdt, tending bar at Whip's Tavern. Got pictures that prove somebody wasn't at home for supper? Send us your stories and memories of Ricketts and we'll post them too.

The Bottom Line

Customers lined up from miles around to enjoy the food in "the cafe'" (otherwise known as Whip's Tavern). Laura and Whip put on plenty of special deer-feeds and nut-frys through the years.

Santa Claus Day in Ricketts, 1953

Folks climb aboard Santa's wagon outside of Whip's Tavern on Main Street in Rickett, waiting for a ride. We recognize Ray Pruess in the glasses on the left, Paul Briggle in the fadora hat, and Frankie Dorfler holding the reins (in the double breasted coat) in the front of the wagon. Do you recognize anyone else? Are YOU in this picture?

Send us your stories and pictures of Ricketts memories and we'll be happy to share them.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Detour Ahead, expect delays

The bridge south of Ricketts, county paved route L51, will be closed beginning April 7.

Graves Construction of Spencer is replacing the existing bridge with a new one and expects the work to be completed around mid July.

Depending on weather and gravel and unpaved road conditions, residents have estimated detours of anywhere from 2 to several miles.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Confirmation Class of 2008

Kids from the Triple-Parish Lutheran Churches pose after their Confirmation this Spring, with Pastor Ernst.